Wagner Hydraulic Fluid - Quart (Titan CoolFlo)

Wagner Hydraulic Fluid - Quart (Titan CoolFlo)

  • $16.97
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Also called Titan Coolflo

Formerly part # 0088009

For Wagner & SprayTech Diaphragm airless paint sprayers.

Quart size

F.A.Q. (This f.a.q. is direct from Wagner's info. ) What type of hydraulic oil do I use? Can I use the same to lubricate? 

We only recommend Wagner brand Hydraulic Oil for our pumps. To lubricate the unit, use a light household oil or a pump saver. If you can not locate the Wagner brand Hydraulic Oil, only temporarily use a 5 weight, non-detergent, non-bubbling hydraulic oil.
Gleem's Note: See that comment above on "Non-detergent, Non-bubbling." This is why we also only recommend Wagner's brand hydraulic oil. We only buy Wagner's brand for our shop. If you use another hydraulic oil in your pump, your diaphragm sprayer may not work properly.

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